fey epstein, hersh epstein, gitsaw epstein, maulta epstein, mirriam epstein, sura mirbaum, wolf mirbaumitzer, nonum pitser, moe shay wax, hanna wax, leah wax, rachel freed, joseph freed, ribca befrt, samuel bester, cati rans felled, adolf ransfelld, sophie marcus stein, richard stein, camilla skein, ragmanova, carla stein wagna lova, will hea pay roots, anna knoll, heinrich knoll, holda drymer, peery lay ah stein, laya folk foggel, jacob wise, golda wise, hanna wiese, esther wiese, mirriam wiese, moe shay wiese. we would like to invite alman -- > >>>ser to lead the recitation of the morning kaddish. >> we offer kaddish as a prayer of remember rarns, but the words of the kaddish reaffirm our faith in a higher power, a power that endouz us with the ability to learn from the past and to choose good over evil. please rise if you're able, and please remain standing following the kaddish for a moment of silence, as we remember all victims of the holocaust and all victims of bigotry and hate. [ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ] >> you may b