she is credited with starting the campaign which led fgm to be banned in 2008. >> the government was mubarak to issue a very weak law prohibiting female circumcision. but they never, never did an educational program in the media to stop female genital mutilation. >> that is why you have more than 90% -- >> exactly. and the law is just ink on paper. but the government and the ministry of health, they encourage female genital mutilation. >> the doctor runs an ngo attempting to eradicate fgm in the suburbs of cairo. >> some of the immediate complications include bleeding, infections from using unsterilized tools in carrying out circumcisions, severe pain which may be to body shop. all of these can cause the girl to die. we witnessed complications later on. female circumcision means these women never reach during sexual intercourse. this results in the welland withdrawing from sex with her husband, which causes problems in a marriage. >> paradoxically, she explains, deaths have increased since the practice was banned. >> in some cases, parents do not seek medical care, even if their daug