you tell me how much of a constraint the lowest social spending will be in conducting the social fhtback? and secondly, when looking to the united states for advice on policing, what do you say to those who have bids that may import u.s. style problems of even more overcrowded prisons with even more representation from primarily ethnic, minority communities. >> first of all on the first question, i think the idea that the way you solve problems is just throwing a wall of money at them, that the answer to every problem is to open the taxpayers checkbook that little bit wider. i think we've proved that is not the case. it's been said if these riots were really about money, be having a debate today about money and how to spend money here and there to make a difference. they weren't really about money but about behavior and about moral breakdown. they were about people without proper boundaries. yes, of course, some of the things cost money but a lot of them is about doing things differently. weave some excellently funded police organizations in this country and we can get more of what we ha