and that vain, hopefully a flyer is showing on the screen, next month, may 14-16, caltran's fhwa and the city of san francisco is sponsoring a free three-day workshop on designing streets, planning and designing for pedestrian safety. which is about first how to develop an action plan. you don't know what to do if you don't have a plan. so part of the workshop is about how do you identify what needs to be done, whether it's enforcement or engineering or education, how do you start prioritizeing and who do you involve. and then the rest of the workshop is about execution. and we do offer a lot of information on design solutions. for having streets better, safe for pedestrians and how to employ specific countermeasures to solve the safety issues. and this is the flyer and this is about the class and they have it at the sign in table. and over at table, i have a copy of my slide show and on that is the contact information for the city person, and jessica, if you can stand up. if you want information on how to register for this free workshop, contact jessica and we will start sign ups fo