garner's career spanned more than 50 years, starting with maverick, which made him a star, and then fiels fielshe was also in a lot of great movies like "the notebook." i had the honor of speaking with james garner back in 2004 just before "the notebook" was set to open. you have had such a wonderful career, almost 50 years in this business. and there's a lot i want to talk to you about, but i would be remiss if i didn't start with "the notebook." and i have trouble trying to figure out how to describe what a movie is, to share with the audience what the movie is, without giving too much of it away. and on those occasions where i don't think i can do a good job, i yield to the star. >> oh, i don't know. i don't know what kind of job i can do either. it's really a beautiful, beautiful love story. and of course it's complicated early. it goes from teenage to old age. and it's love found, love lost, love found, love lost. and it's just as touching a love story as i've seen in many, many years. and i'm so proud of it. proud to be in it. but it has the complication near the end. she has alzheimer's