anytime someone else races his hand and says i'm other female, even though biology does not show it, fiesol does not show. genetics don't show it, chromosomes don't show it, it's feelings and emotion and fabrication and makes the woman the female, less than a fact. nothing but a leprechaun or unicorn, you're a fantasy, fabrication, make believe wife. suggest that it anything but being pro-woman. but i digress. let's get back to my point. forced agreement is totalitarianism. it is not tolerant. requiring women to submit to the whims and wishes of male-driven government hegemony is not feminism it's misogyny. not intellectual free dom and a clear example of the government steaking what religion is acceptable and then prohibiting the free expression of any religion that is in disagreement with us. sound constitutional? so words mean something. as studenters, leaders, community members, hanging onton your words. define them. defend them. honor freedom. and fight fascism. stand for truth and fight tyranny. stand for love and fight hate. stand for the rights of women and fight against their subje