fifi 4-9632 is the number to call if you are at home and went to call in -- 554-9632. >> my personal story is that there were times when i could not good to movie theaters, or i could not go into stores because sometimes they have those flickering lights, and there were several things that i could not do. so i trained my dog to alert makes about, for instance, the flickering lights. it takes a little time, but they can do it. the other thing is, i am very fortunate. i have not had many problems in san francisco with businesses. i have been very lucky. actually, whenever i have a problem, i like to educate staff or even supervisors about the laws. i have a little fly air which does pretty much what julianna talked about, and that is usually very helpful. i would like to encourage you to use those. do you use a service dog for a disability or as a pet, because oftentimes, there are people who are disabled. this is versus people who just want to bring in a dog, so if you have a disability, that is pretty much what it is about, that you verbally have this contract that is disabled, and t