all the reason the figis stayed away from marijuana, until this. and this may be hard for you to watch. >> okay, baby. >> this is their daughter, charlotte. having a seizure. >> we just thought it was one random seizure. >> nothing to do, no medications, a fluke. >> right. >> a fluke made sense. after all, charlotte, nicknamed charlie, born healthy, fraternal twin to sister chase. >> charlie always had big smiles. >> easy. >> easy. very much so. >> so around three months when you first noticed that charlie had a seizure. >> i was changing a diaper -- well, putting a new diaper off from after a bath ear her eyes started flickering. >> it led to a trip to the e.r. >> this did the whole workup, spinal tap, whole workup, found nothing and sent us home. >> no abnormal scan. >> and normal development. walking and talking, same day as her twin. nothing was behind yet. >> by the time she was two, though, the seizures became constant and started to take their toll on their once happy, joyful little girl. >> she started to really decline. cognitively. she wa