. >> charles figley, when you hear amy saying this it can work for people, is it tough for the military to put together a set of procedures and guidelines for people in command and at home to know what to look for to prevent it before it happens? >> well, first of all, warriors have come home from war forever, in every culture, and when they come back, they're changed, they're different. and those who love them and care about them can look in their eyes and tell that there's a change, there's a difference, but are they close to suicide or are they going through a process that all veterans from gone through? we just can't tell at this point in time. eventually, we'll have biomarkers, and we can spit into a cup and be able to analyze that, looking at the cortisol levels, et cetera. those days are not here yet, but we're going in that direction very quickly. my heart goes out to her and to everyone working with veterans close to suicide. because they vicariously experience this terrible loss themselves. but i know that the army is doing all they can to work on this issue. and indeed, the r