so this is ivan and the surname filatov ivan filatov well, it will look like this on the tombstone sohis is how i am, i do not consume it myself. they just gave it to be implemented. i'm back as a zone, work. no, there are no attendants, the water is tied up. oh, i'm just crying now, brothers, i understand everything. i will work. i will really work. that's what ivan filatov you go go and more of this rubbish, do not trade, agreed, of course, i understood everything, i never well , i don't need him? what are you? you are bad people, you know, this pahom will never say again when we need it. he will turn himself inside out for us. here, listen. with a warehouse what we will do qualitatively we will decide on the spot. go. who does not know kazakov kazakov knows everything kazakov is the head of the district, he has affairs everywhere, he walks around the village from the yard and the wolves will not catch up with him to the yard, they will not bite the midges. let me tell you. i know it's hard to lead everyone for stepan, i'll raise for stepan drink. thanks, happy birthday. thank you w