e, approve the plans and specifications, contract -- contract ww-433, buchanan/ pierce/filbert/sacramento street and marina boulevard sewer replacement. any items to be removed from the consent calendar? >> -- president vietor: hearing none, is there a motion to adopt the consent calendar? second. all of those in favor? aye? opposed? thank you. the consent item passes. next item, please. secretary housh: the next item is -- [audience member] president vietor: we called for public comment. did you of a public comment on one of those items? -- did you have a public comment? is there one in particular that you would like to hear an update on? [audience member] >> it is actually a one-page, a two-sided report. you have heard so much about that in the last several meetings, and we thought we would do a high-level update, letting you know that we have moved along the contract for the board of supervisors and some other small items, but it is not major. president vietor: and these written reports are available to the public, correct? " >> yes, and they are on the website. president vietor: they