filippo grandi, u.n.mmissioner for refugees, was w there, and spoke with uske yesterday from his geneva headquarters. >> i was so nervous, like if i was going to give an exam, i can tell you. and we had to wait for the whole ceremony because they were the last team to enter before the hosts, brazil, and when they entered, the emotion was unlimited. >> brown: the u.n.h.c.r. worked with the international olympical commission to create the team, holding tryouts in refugee camps such as the huge kakuma camp in kenya. those who made the cut got the help of world class coaches to prepare for rio. >> we started talking about that project in the midst of the most negative global discussion on refugees and migrants during the europe crisis. so it was really a reversal of that approach, that vision, it was positive, it emphasized achievement. it emphasized contributions by refugees. >> brown: five runners who fled war in south sudan as children made it to rio. 21-year-old yiech pur biel made his olympics debut this