reportrter: filippovov says ongd ing g has erged d --he bottling plant disputeasas shown kultuk's c citizenshat t then achieveve a lot whenen they ik togethther. lake baikal, a vital freshwater reserve and a tourist hotspot. but business poses a growing threat to wildlife and local we're back next week. in the meantime, please send us your thoughts and comments. drop us a line to and you'll find us on facebook, dw women. bye for now. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] narrrator: to o keep big cities afloat, great wawater demandnds require g greater watater solut. water protectors combat climate change and the illegal wetland development floodiding towns in argentina. in n mexico c city, citizens use innovative education models and techchnologies to address the city's water issues.