people know if they don't e vac ute there's no insurance or fima.hey put the television, matt res and refrigerator on the truck and evacuate ute. >> some of these things don't happen in the u.s. >> they have 2500 medical people that can deploy within hours anywhere in the world. that's a capacity that we need to organise around the u.n. and u.s. and other nations to have a capacity where we can fly in a couple of thousands docs and medical people with equipment. brigade. >> let's bring into the conversation ben smilerwitz. ben, you have been a whistleblower over bad responses to storms, hurricane katrina , the initial response. what are you seeing. what are the challenges that you see with all the aid groups help. >> we saw earlier in the segment - you have dedicated skilled people that go in to help out. that's great. the problem is sometimes you have 100 generals moving in at the same time. they say here we don't need 100, just a few. the public and the u.s., when they want to help, it's important to figure out which groups have the greatest capac