in 1968, fin mathis uranin designed this plate and launched such compact houses called futoro into massion. the plates are different, they go under the sauna, and just under guest houses, this is, uh, they made it like a ski cottage, that is, mostly skiers live here. frame the plates are made of plastic, there are all amenities inside, including sewerage and running water. tourists fell in love with this hotel for its futuristic appearance, but in fact it is also a unique example of mass architecture of the seventies, but the plate is only an addition to the magnificent views of the caucasus mountains, which in themselves, more than any zipline, give tourists the feeling of flying, even after landing. tambov industrial landscapes have something in common with mountains. at the exhibition tambov presents industrial tourism, modern direction embodied in the pigment enterprise, the oldest in russia production of powder paints, resins and varnishes for various purposes. some of them are used for printing banknotes. yes, we have history, but we are looking to the future. therefore, at a cert