we have got to talk about shark fin souop. -- soup. it is a chinese delicacy, the sharks are tossed back into the water to die. you took a simi controversial stand by admitting that you have been an -- eaten shark fin soup. explain a bit about this. >> i told the truth. you may are may not get that out of a politician. i don't eat it at all very rarely, but it is a delicacy that is used for weddings and special banquets. having said that, i am a very strong supporter of the fishing standards that the u.s. has about how you properly fish. there are reasons for those standards being created. that is where the education is, the fishing practices. that is why i wasn't ready to support a ban. i wasn't sure if a ban was going to get there or not. i want to the science to tell us the proper thing to do. i am very open. the that is where i have been on the environment. if there are species of sharks, if there are continuing things that we need to do to protect the oceans and the environment, the banning of eating this will add to that, i am ope