- the ability that we have to drill down ever, ever deeper to ever, ever more had, you know, finely granulated -- discernment of what reality is. and in a way that's social an internet, twitter, ways that we organize o our ways sociallily it would seem our tool making is driving our social behavior in many ways and i wonder what are you think about that. it's not like we decided that our arts that are culture, that our understanding of history would be what determine us. but our tool making is really the thing it would seem. >> yes. and i think there's a kind of it's rather like what biologists call coevolution. advances make way for the next advance. and a in our case i think we have with in the world of confucius we have software hardware coevolution. where advances this hardware make possible soft square that wouldn't have been wouldn't have been possible before thed hardware was invented and then so -- each one paves the way as it were opens the door for the next advance. and that is getting faster. >> i have to say it would seem that one thing where it sort of dispensing willy-nilly as we