and we must support president obama and senator finestien comprehensive effort to reform the gun laws, i support state and federal effort to keep the weapons off of our streets and out of our homes. i have directed our city agencies and law enforcement officials to move towards plans of action, to prioritize and create solutions that impact policy changes and take aggressive actions against the moment egregious types of gun violence and we are working hard and making more plans for more deeper, more wider gun buy back programs and events that will take place later this year. but no single mayor can stop gun violence alone. if we work together, as a city, as a community, as a region, as a state, and now, as importantly as a nation, if we work together as a nation, we can make real impact. forget the polls. forget the politics. forget the threats of this lobbying group or that lobbying group. we are doing what is necessary and what is the right thing to do. and we are not going to make any excuses for why we can't get it done. it is time to take a stand and it is time to stand for famil