fini wsheday too oscle for co mft orlate, but e thwarriors wi n's steverr ke on y whhe 's coenuredag the inju tryo curry ishi notngto worry t.abou >> not the rsfit time, you . know he s playhard and, you kn, owhe 's all erov the floor. this has happ, enedyou know, many, nyma times toverhe ye ars. ngfiers crossed thats he' ok. >>> college s,hoop goa nzaghas doteminad the west coast conference for over two cade s. this year, howe ver,the wcc runs thr oughramuga and the st. mary'ses gal. ugh t firslfha thfor e legas. this bucket pulls them within 8. second , halfthey meca to play. logan johnson tickles the twine. the zag's lead down to2. three scen high off the ndow, and finish. it'sempandonm iuat the pavilion final seconds, st. ma ry'sdone a bucket. beaul tifuspeed to sexon who nifishes, ties up t hegame, and we're going to overtime. manehay off the screen, three, and gales up f is , timethe vision, tchell finiessh. how about maha ney. 18 points. st. mary's 10 and 0 the c wc after r thei780 -7wi n. >>> all right, over to th llhi top. ooha