finkadoo, hatchling ? ? vee vee oh zohm ? ? finkadoo, hatchling ? ? nee voo voo doo ? ohh...fantastic. i love you so. ell me you had to do that? excuse me, ladies. hi. may i show you some disco records? i'm with the fbi. oh. well, maybe i can show you some police records. i'd like you to look at this photograph and tell me if you've seen this man. wait a minute. this guy was here yesterday. who is he? a creep who kidnaps and sells babies. we were tailing him yesterday. he followed a woman with a baby into this store. oh, my god, that was sally. is he after her baby? don't worry, we're watching him. oh, thank goodness. when he left here, he didn't follow her. he followed some strange-looking man with suspenders... to your house, miss mcconnell. what would he be doing at my house? we want to ask you. does the strange man with suspenders give you a clue? oh, dad, mork wouldn't do anything wrong. how much does this guy sell babies for? $10,000. what i meant was, mork wouldn't do anything wrong intentionally. ma'am, if you think your friend is trying to buy a baby, relax. h