thank you, commissioner finlev. so -- right. the concept of behested piments is broad and it is deratify friday state law not just directly asking one person asking for a payment. it is coordinating, suggesting, et cetera . i say we want to preserve the concept of this legislation. the problem is that in certain situations like the grantses it is self defeating you can't if you have the discussion about a grant for the city initiative. you are asking for money because a grant provides a financial support through the city initiative. if that money goes from foundation a to nonprofit b. in coordination with city officials that are implementing the program promoting the program and so on and perhaps legislating to implement and universalize pilot program and other projects all of that is regulated under the ordinance. what we say we should take out attempt to influence concept or in broad terms and limit today to the contract context and you would also still have coverage, lobbying clients who is might be trying to do another influ