is the author of several books including "shark tank: greed, politics, and the collapse of finley kumble, one of america's largest law firms." to find out more visit >> booktv is on twitter. file as fort bragg you updates on her programming and news on nonfiction books and authors. >> there's a new online enterprise just starting up and it is called the washington independent review of books. david stewart is president of this organization. mr. stewart, what is your organization? >> it's a group of writers and editors and similarly minded people, mostly in the d.c. area who are very dismayed by the shriveling a book review space and sort of the standard media. a lot of book review sections have been folded. they have shrunk, and it's just hard to find information about what's going on in the world of books these days. the coverage of the publishing industry has shrunk. so we decided to try to do something ourselves. this is really sort of from the old judy garland, mickey rooney knows what they say let's put on a show. we decided we would create our own