tonight to challenge face-to-face on national television..thena jones thh key toothe third and finnl presidentiaa ebatehird and final face-off between president ooama and goveenoo romney iil focus entirely on foreign policyy ffom afghanistan and pakistan to israel, iirn, anddthe changing middll east, the candidates will spprrooer america's role in the world, how to deal with a rising china.with polls showing thee rrmneyyonnforeign policy has obama tried to highliggt one of his biggest foreign policy light-hearted charity dinnnr in ew york."monddy's ddbate is little bit different, because he opic is foreign policy. spoilerralert: we got bin laden."he also used his speecc to poke un at his opponent."of course, worldd everr candidate. after...some pf you guys remember, after my attacked as a cellbrity, as because iiwas so popular with our allies overreas. nd i with how well governor romnne 3 has avoided thaa problem."for his part, rommey coold try again to bash the resident for his administration's messy response to the attack n libya, last monnh, and link ii approoch to the region."this calls into questi