part of charlie company first battalion twenty of the fintry charlie company was assigned the task force barker a special unit created to search out and destroy be a cause operating around the central coast. it had been a dispiriting couple of months for the u.s. military the tet offensive the c. to k. song surprised the power that thought it was going to. charlie company the losses have been personal booby traps and mind to take on a third of the comrades one of them the day before so in the morning a mark sixty helicopter machine guns lay down suppressing fire in three people two with orders to kill everything that moved fanned out across the rice paddies and into the hammocks that collectively made up the law. they encountered no resistance whatsoever but perhaps a desire for revenge filled their hearts and clouded their consciences perhaps as a military command that measured victory by body count. perhaps it was a mentality that regarded every vietnamese is less than a person really an enemy in embodiment of communist. they've created sidewalks here where you can get a sense of what