it is a perfect example of the familiar, and you look at it and you can easily say it is a fireplace hearthnd it is a pipe, and then you say wait a minute, it is not a pipe, and is actually a train. there is an idea about the motion of the train and stopping time on the clock. candlesticks that aren't doing anything. it is a picture that you can walk by and think it is so familiar. i am very familiar with the picture and yet it still confounds me. it haunts me. >> tell me what happened to him after 1938. >> in 1939, as we all know, the war breaks out. belgium is occupied. he does not make a lot of pictures. >> there is the moment when he is afraid to be put in a mental asylum. >> he did a lecture in 1938. what was it called? >> in wonderful, surrealist fashion, he sort of narrated the development of his life and art as a painter and talked about influences and inspirations, and childhood moments. >> in 1929, the wall street crash happened, and he went back to brussels because he couldn't make a living anymore. >> he was supposed to have a one-person show in march of 1930, two weeks before t