the second mass of one of those italian and a thing as a year ago last april as on your show firestone morganite and is threatening in the math three weeks ago and i bought a love that and then printed out a copy of the plum a wish list and it was well worth the wait continues to miscalling now in his son sean moon and betty ladies in maybe this is that one this the one everyone and the reason that picked it is as a big jewelry in a letter sent to the salon and pendant and this is so bowls over the top unless it and like them rings unlike gemini and as well me and pull this off in my compiled a diamonds moon the object of this entire top of this is nothing but diamonds and sell but that year joel and those are big big deal, not once has a little bit of a puff to it will of the dimension that this has in this is lovely there's myograph and put the beads down and drink and put the beads away and ring unease over this and indeed some and then not our be its and 40841 is yet a number on this so we need me to be parodied myograph show and i'm so excited and on and now it is on shawn and looks gorgeou