put out a fireto or is it a combination of putting out a fire and having the personnel to address the crisis. it seems our attention changes monthly. -- fully up to now developed claims are great, but we have an increase in appeals. the day?he flavor of are we accomplishing anything or are we playing a shell game? i want to throw that out for comment or suggestion. set sheet oft a measurements so we can judge the progress we're trying to make. >> we had a report from general hickey yesterday that there are some reduction in the claims backlog, that even goes beyond what we knew of. defer to the rest of the staff for the specifics of those questions. >> is one of the things we raised in our testimony about the transparency of testimony. we can see the progression how they're proposing a. , that is thee fire backlog, and someone forgets about the fact that now that we have done all of those claims and decided them, what happens to them? dva gets five percent of appeals from those that are filed. that is one of the things we would like to see v.a. do a better job at. metricsgiving us the