. -- firstare looking at of all, where is it going to come from? where are they expecting to get these dollars from? the requirements will be put on the schools. this, then what are the requirements the federal government will impose on you for doing it. that is another issue that has to be addressed. first, can the schools do this? also, how are you going to pay for it? >> they will pay for it through program thatrab -- puts these on your monthly cell phone bill. cost towant to up the the consumer again. ofn you are looking at some the things we're looking at, especially on cell phone usage, one of the numbers that came up if all thee -- sudden we are finding out that certain people have gotten money and spending it, will the phone to only use cell phones, bash will the folks who only use cell phones, get that reduced because we should not be paying for it? folks look at their monthly bills and they wonder, why is soaks pensive? can i afford this -- so expensive? can i afford this? it will piggyback on your monthly bill and we have a lot of folks