general election,, early voting ii ohio begins in a week....leaving little time to win over the firsttvoters 3more people are pending they don't have! have!how much money... americans are racking u in overdraft fees. ((break 3)) -reporter pkg-as follows --so much for fiscal responsibility. a new study shows overdraft is making a comeback as more and more americans dip their ccecking accoonts - into peeative terrrrity. bank research firm moebs serrices says this past yyar alone -- thhn $31 billion in overdraft fees.thaa's up sharply from 2011. moebs says there are 144 million consumer checking accounts -- and of that &pnuuber, bout a quarter are frequent overdraft users.thee fiim oints to a few factors for the ballooning figure. much fasttr now -- so money coosumer's account. so people may think they have more time to add funds in... butt instead, a check thee've written clears overnight and they overdraw.rising debit card use is also a 2011 debit card transactions made upp43% of all paymenns. thhse payments clear even &pfaster than checks, and aae harder for a lot of consumers stil