sat fiscus go handles five times as many discretionary reviews as new york city. a city that is five times larger. we should move this office to alcatraz and charge $5,000 to file one. thanks very much. >> speaker-01: thank you. any members of the comment to want to -- public who want to comment on item two please come up. is this the correct mic? >> hello my name is norma. i was planning on coming to support this great effort that the planning department and also o. e. w. d. has put together as well as many community members including really talented architects, i was going to come anyway to cheer for the 100% affordable streamlining, but over the weekend, one of my good friends who is a first-generation immigrant like i am, she was telling me that the community where she lives in is in danger of making, the community wants to make accessory dwelling units harder to build and wants to band them unless a lot size is 6,000 square feet, which sounds big. so, we were talking about the hour of -- i reviews and we told her san francisco was about to make it easier to p