some would come here to hunt, en go baba for the fisis d vice versa. so we're all r rated one way or the other. we get oururater from the project, so w wre directly linked d thehe the farmers s rere that's their only source water. there's not totomany farmers right n n making a living. there's onon a handful, maybe five or six, that d dthis for a living. got to b b topped off. ah. yeah. i'll have e come down d load her up. [burton] hohofully some young p pple will pick up the farming life style and continin on, because without t rming, there rerely is s thing. probably 30, 40 0 ars ago, i started farming. that's all i've ever done, full-time farmrm. ah, , 's good lala. lot ofofof has to be releveled, but most of it ows pretty good if w w wn get water for itit that's our m m mproblem now. if they take the water from us, our r rming willllave to quit, d i dodot know how we'll live then. we'l'lprobablylyave to go to work on paying g bs instead of farming fofoforselves. but somebody like me, yoyoknow, over the hill on t t downhill grgre ririt now, i'i'prob