so fitara was designed in order to strengthen the cio's role and also to make sure that they're doing things like agile development. that when you have these big, expensive projects, that you're realizing victories and wins and deliverables over a six-month period rather than, you know, pending half a trillion dollars over four years and producing nothing which actually happened when dod and v.a. tried to improve interoperability within their electronic health records. and the scores are based on information that the agencies are providing to themselves. so this is their own information. they know exactly how the score is arranged, and the reality is we only had one out of 24 agencies, we only had one agency get a b, we had one agency had an f, and everybody else was in between. and what's been good is that this has focused the conversation on things like data certain consolidation. the federal government has almost 11,000 data centers. facebook, one of biggest companies in the world, has four. there's no reason that the federal government should have 11,000. again, we realized that f