we look at fitnosis and now at havertys furniture, avings on stylish pieces. create your perfect home. plus you'll get thirty-six month, no-interest financing. hurry, the after thanksgiving sale ends november 28th. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. the after thanksgiving sale at havertys. a lot of people struggle to keep their weight loss goals. many fall ??off >> alcides: a lot of people struggle with their weight loss goals. a mother and daughter came up with a new programs they hope minds. >> nice beat, nice and low. squat. >> reporter: the women in this workout class are moving quickly, following instructions carefully. working up a sweat. >> ras one! >> before they were put through the paces physically. they were motivated mentally. >> you want wonderful crisp vegetables, lean protein, fresh fruits. you want to work out hard. >> this is fitnosis, a program crosby and her mother cindy parker a hypnotist. >> hypnosis is good for weight loss. i've done it for years. >> reporter: parker figured her skills as a hypnotist and her da