>>> ken fitzhugh denied any involvement in his wife's murder.found no evidence of his involvement inside the house, but when they got a search warrant for ken's suv, that was another story. >> we found bloody shoes and a bloody shirt under the driver's seat of the suburban. >> there was also a paper towel soaked in blood, blood that matched christine's dna. ken said there was a simple explanation. >> he tells me that this blood came from a gardening accident. he said christine and him were in the backyard the previous week and she had hit her hand with a gardening tool. >> christine's body was still in the morgue. investigators asked pathologists to check her hands. >> there was no wounds on her hands. >> and even though there was no blood on the soles of ken's shoes, this luminol pattern made it clear he had stepped in christine's blood in the kitchen before it had been cleaned. >> the shoe print patterns shown in the luminol were consistent with the pattern of the bottom of the shoes that were found in mr. fithugh's vehicle. >> the blood stain