ours, the first one is to fly our rap, because it is closer to us, that is, we are, let’s say , fivishnikse is infantry , here there is a certain mykola, his wife made a collection, er, collected for a small rap, here mykola brought with him to the position and includes. coordinated, this rap is jamming us, and we think that it is the orcs jamming us, and so on, and there are simply millions of such processes at the front, yes, uncoordinated processes, and we must begin to, well, let's say this, make this, if you want, chaos in in the good sense of the word, because war is always a little chaos, and sometimes not a little, to make it controlled, trained, here, with big data for you to discover. tablet and looked at where you have a reb, where it is turned on, how to fly it and so on. this, by the way, well very, very important question, and i want to say, i was active there in civilian life , and i had less chats and correspondence than when i, for example, sit in positions in the trenches, because you are constantly exchanging messages, and coordinating frequency, so you don't interrupt,