after fiza amendment act, 2008, all four programs were given legal cover. but we now know that the fisa court and the nsa have been in a lot of back and forth in recent years over compliance. some say the fisa courts are doing their job. others say that this shows that they haven't been sufficient guardians of our civil liberties. in the wake of snowden's disclosures, the government, in recent months has discussed three different reforms. i won't get into those now for reasons of time. but i assume that the panel will be talking about them. and it will be interesting to see whether they can go forth given recent events in the middle east. back in 2009, we had the christmas underwear bomber over detroit. reforms were aparentally in the making, but as soon as that act took place, reforms stopped. >>> let me turn now to the panel, a very distinguished group. i'll present them in the order that they'll present their initial panels. >>> first, professor laura donahue. she's written extensively on the nsa and related matters, including two extensive pieces. she's