. -- whether it is a coastguard certificate, or a flagstick certificate.sunderstanding of what that certificate means. we surveyed our engineers, and asked them what it means to them when they see it appeared they were under the assumption that the certificate covers the full aspect of the vessel, from the stability, the conditions, the drilling unit -- la whole 9 yards. what we have discovered is dead that certificate does not always cover the drilling package on that mobile offshore drilling unit. that is an election by the drilling contractor, and the operator, depending on who is handling the coverage for that to detective -- for that certificate, that does not always cover the drilling package. that is an elected option. >> just to follow up on that, what does the certificates stand for? >> well, it has different meanings. one of the things we learned is that they have different insignia's that they put on the certificate. each one of those different stamps has a different meeting, and unbeknown to our drilling engineers, there is a certain stamp for