flaminia. ...flaminia will be signor lelio's. zanetto not dead? oh, i love the signorina rosaura. i cannot go on. [makes sounds] and so, everyone is happy. i cannot be, while overcome with grief that i should have betrayed our friendship. you should indeed feel ashamed. yet i am sorry for you. you acted so through love and i shall be happy to have you as a friend again. and i swear it in the future, you will always find me your most faithful friend. come. let us go into the house then. with all my heart, i thank the good fortune that has given me both a sister and a bride, despite the many mishaps from so many people mistaking the identities of the venetian twins. this type of comedy, if it is to be successful, seeks to make us, the viewers, partners with the performer. the effectiveness of the partnership depends on our willingness to play along. carlo goldoni, writing in the 17th century, observed, "comedy was invented to correct vices and to hold folly up for ridicule." and when the comedy of the ancients did this, the audience was pleased because each person saw in himself or