i'm sorry, but i don't want my kid wearing some old, flammable, plastic deathtrap. w, flammable plastic deathtrap. this is political correctness gone mad. before you know it we'll need to buy carbon offsets to leave a flaming bag of poop on a doorstep. environmentalism goes against everything halloween stands for. rampant consumerism and waste. it's like clear cutting a forest, pulping the trees into lush three-ply toilet paper, shipping the rolls on diesel trucks to air conditioned grocery stores where we buy them, and as a heartless final insult hurl them at their still-living cousins. the point is... halloween is fun. it's not about being responsible. that's why we send our kids alone off into the night to solicit complete strangers for food. but there are luckily some hallow winners out there, adding a new twist to this old holiday. >> halloween is less than two weeks away, and a christian group in texas is promoting a faith-based alternative to the usual sexy costumes we've seen, evil some bees and other ungodly characters as we saw them. their alternative is so