james lovelock, an absolutely brilliant scientist and essential reading for everybody, i think, tim flannery's book, ray a lot about global warming and i'm not sure whether it's too late, but we have got to move extremely quickly, i think to save this beautiful world that we have got for our children and grandchildren. so we will keep working on it. >> how quickly could some of these alternative fuels come online and what's the outlook for alternative fuels, things we haven't even thought of, for the next decade? >> i sort of answered part of that question but i think that the -- i think that the alternative, there's some alternative fuels that could be used right away. if america were not trying to protect its farmers, and i think mistakingly so, who produce corn-based ethanol, and effectively making it prohibitively expensive for sugar-based ethanol to be brought in from brazil, most of your cars in america could be run today up to 85% of all cars -- every individual car could be run on a very clean sugar-based ethanol from places like brazil and the caribbean. and the corn-based farmers cou