it is important to note that state sovereignty has been con flated with racial exclusion in the united states, then and now. white union, not a union of whites and blacks, is the political bill sold by the film. and unapologetically so. the film is a pay-on to kip and ken, read white bloodlines, and emphasizes white solidarity, and nationness, from the beginning, as contrasted with the farce-ical war of northern aggression. so slavery is typified in the film as a code ry of black children in need of salvation from their white masters, house n -- were platto and very dark black people cast as unkugt, unsix lized children. the framings are important, because these tropes continue into the mythos of the alt-right and these white identity movements. i want to skip some of this stuff. the house helper portrayed as faithful souls loyal to massa, who is terned quote the kindly master and exemplified to saint francis with a kitten in his lap and puppies at his feet. if he treats his pets so well and they flock to him like the birds to saint francis, slavery must not always beefit black, three