joining us this morning with an adoptable feline is susan fleishman, a volunteer with paw rescue.escue is short for partnerships for animal welfare. we appreciate you coming in today. and we should say that we had a young man, lance, who was supposed to make it, but with the weather, who knows. >> we don't know about traffic. but sir lance a lot, you can see him on the website. >> and is this a good name for a cat? >> no. his name came because he is one of six kittens. his mother sheila had five boys and one girl so i had to come up with a make quick to take them to the vet and it became nie, meany, mighty mow and tiny and toe. >> and what kind of cat is he? >> he's an orange tabby. and typically orange tabbies are male, which the strange part is his mother is also an orange tabby. and he's a sweet boy. they have a good reputation, orange cats, of being good with people and friendly and lovely and he's the kind of cat that would probably come and sleep on your bed. he's six months old so he's still active and playful and the boys play quite a lot. i hear them banging against thing