um nests actual boss fletcher harper the man who was the owner and operator a publisher of harper's weekly his position was we're not in the business of making senators happy. we're in the business seeing on american politics and if senator schertz is unhappy, i guess that's his problem. and so nast was vindicated in this moment, but he said openly in conversations he had for a while. he engaged in a really popular form of lecture not unlike what we're doing tonight the lyceum circuit in which people who were prominent would tour the country giving talks and given that there wasn't a ton to do in the evening in the 19th century, especially in the winter time, which was the season for these kinds of talks. and if those of you who are familiar with the chautauqua series, that's the same thing folks like thomas nest would show up in your town and they would give a lecture and everyone would go and pay a couple of dollars for the opportunity to listen to him talk in his case. he would do chalk talks where there would be a chalkboard and he would draw while he talked. and he used and he had a p