buying a new belgium waffle maker, you have two choices, you have the waring pro double belgian waffle maker, makes two waffles at once, but it costs about $90. or you have the presto flipsidegian waffle maker, and that makes one waffle at a time, but it's half the price at about $46. -so the dough has risen beautifully. -mm-hmm. -time to shape the sticky buns. -that is a really pretty dough. -isn't it? -i'm sorry, i couldn't help but touch it. i'm glad you did. i'm glad you did. so i'm going to go ahead and flour the board again. and i'll turn this right out onto the board. now, i know a lot of people always want to pound down the dough, but we want to leave some of those bubbles in there. so i'm just going to start to pat this into an 18x15-inch rectangle. and we want the longest side facing the edge of the counter. and i'm trying to take care to keep the corners relatively at a right angle. i know they're gonna be a little bit more curved. but that's okay. -you look like you're in the dough zone. -i'm in the dough zone, totally. i love working with any kind of dough, any kind of yeasty dough especially. -it's very therapeutic. -yes. all right, i think this should be good