then there is the smallest size we think might exist, and the smallest size where experimentally floarg is actually at the large collider, high energy lets us look at short distances and that's why going to higher -- >> rose: can we define those short distances? >> absolutely and the way we do it essentially is if you imagine you have a certain amount of energy it can create a wave with that energy, and higher energy is shorter wave length so basically to be able to shore short distances you need something that have energy so you need a high energy wave and lets us g go-go the short dtance and that's "we go to the high energies because it allows us to look at the short distance structure. that doesn't mean nothing can exist beyond that. there is a difference between what we can think about, what there theories tell us or what theories suggest or what theories might be possible and what we can actually observe. >> what does all that you know and all that you have learned tell me -- how does it inform your instinct as to what is out there that might blow our mind? >> i am going to take th