their response saw flom an asian government has been finally yeah i'm not using security approach since the since the beginning in the month this extends down till now are international been using stood the approach that been sailing and that's why. these past few days. used to elite down under international law if you want to protest you have to submit the letter off but you can treat aspire to protest but this protest this large scale test that no one odd not to get in a lot of stuff made it to police but yet they can't take the streets are you saying that the indonesian government does not know how to deal with the protests and the feelings in pop or in west all. i don't think so because the yes that may be in a nation precedent and chief security minister at you responded to this last protest but the the president didn't apologize but instead the president said now don't eat you may be emotional but let's forgive each other of course today it was about months to this race again the nation the police as well said that they're going after social media accounts which distribute look at