jim swire lost h daughter floora. oven s he wanthim to be reased. >> i don't believe he is guty as charged and very many over people havdoubts about this trial. so i ink it wuld be inhumane, indeedownright cruel to keep a mann prison to d away from his familyand his country. >> but in america, there has en no similar acculation of doubt. there families have reacte very fferently. >> w do i have to have compassion for the manho killed my daughter killed all those people? that doesn't make an sense. we have lost our moral compass. >> p am 103as en route from london heathrow new york in december 1988. the bomb tore it apart five miles above lockerbie. ter years of resistance, libya agreed release two suspec for trial in april 1998. a scottish court was convened in the nevererlands. in 200 he was found guilty. another was acquied. as thellow permently stands, permanent transfer can't take place while the lel process is ongoing hi appeal is stil before the cots. rease on cpassionate grounds would enable to continue hisppea