florence keller and other people that are in my book your untrained. and the national consumers league which was a leader of that movement against child labor, with sally greenbergin the room tonight who is the coming of the national consumers league. and thinkers like abraham joshua henschel, the great theologian, william kaufmann, mentioned dr. seuss, langston hughes, the great negro poet, and w.e.b. dubois, who was a sociologist and academic but also a propagandist and a writer, most famous for the souls of black folks. and people who were in the arts and inhumanities and who inspired us to think about a better world, think about a different kind of society, to think that people organizing together can win victories to make society more livable, make it more humane, make it more democratic. and so we have activists and organizers, politicians and judges and, of course, supreme court judges in my book, including thurgood marshall, and he was an activist on civil rights before is on the supreme court. thinkers, writers, theologians, singers and artists. and come up with that list, you know, i realize that it was going to be controversial. and i've gotten lots o