the former florence martin cdc on 1155 page in cooperation with a long-term strategy working with at that time supervisor mirkarimi and others to produce some additional child care in that neighborhood was leaseod a long-term lease to a french american school. they have demolished the existing building there and they're building a new early learning center on that site and that property is no longer considered surplus. 700 font boulevard you can see in the photograph the school is gone. one day san francisco state may choose to build a classroom on that site. the district sold the site for 11. $1 million to san francisco state. it was sort of one of the last transactions or last events of the out going president of the san francisco state and carlos garcia as he was ending his term as superintendent. these next two properties on mission and connecticut as supervisor kim pointed out are part of a three party transaction with the mayor's office of housing spear spearheaded by commissioner fewer and commissioner mendoza and will trade the mission site for a affordable housing site and o