that is what she did with florence thompson. there is a series of pictures with the mother and young children behind her. gradually, she gets closer and makes the famous photograph. she said she knew when she made it that was what she needed to accomplish and went back home. this program that roy stryker headed began as part of the resettlement administration. those words, "resettlement administration," did not sit well with the american public. they have wanted to have their own houses, their own piece of ground, and they did not want to have to move and decide what they were going to do for themselves. the resettlement administration was intended to help people in dire straits. but it was politically unpopular. they were accused of being socialists, communists, moving people around. that was not part of the american dream. they had to change direction, stop moving people around, have to change the name of the organization. they went from "resettlement," which implies certain things, to "farm security administration," which imp